Arthritis Care & Research Cover Images

Below is a collection of covers from AC&R in 2024. Please click the cover to see an enlarged, high-resolution version.

2020 Cover Images | 2021 Cover Images | 2022 Cover Images | 2023 Cover Images

December 2024: Volume 76, Issue 12

Arthritis Care & Research cover image from the December 2024 issue

Cover Image: The figure on the cover (from Quinlivan et al; pages 1686-1695) shows a Sankey diagram of progression of UCLA gastrointestinal tract total severity score.

November 2024: Volume 76, Issue 11

Arthritis Care & Research cover image from the November 2024 issue

Cover Image: The image on the cover (from Molyneux et al; pages 1501-1510) shows ultrasound atlas images for synovitis for the first metatarsophalangeal joint, indicating grades 2 and 3.

October 2024: Volume 76, Issue 10

Arthritis Care & Research cover image from the October 2024 issue

Cover image: The image on the cover (from Challita and Azar, pages 1355–1360) shows a radiograph of the hand and wrist indicating narrowing of the distal interphalangeal joints consisting of osteoarthritis changes and a well-defined cystic lesion in the right scaphoid bone.

September 2024: Volume 76, Issue 9

Cover image: The image on the cover (Xu et al, pages 1322–1332) shows expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 by activated fibroblasts in giant cell arteritis lesions.

August 2024: Volume 76, Issue 8

Cover image: The figure on the cover (Strand et al, page 1143) shows (top) Short Form 36 health survey domains and (bottom) Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Disease item scores at baseline and at week 16 for protocol-matched age/sex norms (purple), placebo (gray; n = 66), deucravacitinib (DEUC) 6 mg once daily (light blue; n = 70), DEUC 12 mg once daily (dark blue; n = 70), and combined baseline (beige).

July 2024: Volume 76, Issue 7

Cover image: The image on the cover (from Yokose et al; pages 953-963) shows misregistration due to motion, with 3D color-coded dual-energy computed tomography showing linear green coloration corresponding to a coronary artery bypass graft vessel.

June 2024: Volume 76, Issue 6

Cover image: (Gilvaz et al, pages 753–759) shows pathology results of biopsy samples from the nasopharynx and oropharynx, notable for areas of ulceration, bacterial colonization and hemorrhage with a dense submucosal infiltrate of medium to large size neoplastic lymphoid cells.

May 2024: Volume 76, Issue 5

Cover image: The image on the cover (Riedstra et al, pages 644−651) shows the lateral center edge angle (LCEA) measured on an anteroposterior pelvic radiograph. The white line represents the best-fitted circle around the femoral head; the green line represents the horizontal reference line; and the blue lines represent the measurement of lateral acetabular coverage. Pincer morphology was defined as an LCEA ≥40°.

April 2024: Volume 76, Issue 4

Cover image: The image on the cover (Marvisi et al; pages 531–540) shows FDG-PET magnetic resonance findings at baseline detecting active vasculitis at the abdominal aorta.

March 2024: Volume 76, Issue 3

Cover image: The image on the cover (from Huang et al, page 328), shows variability in imaging progression in patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis–associated lung disease. Baseline chest tomography (CT) for patient 1 (top) demonstrated extensive parenchymal pulmonary opacities with interstitial thickening, with follow-up study showing development of small cysts suggesting fibrosis. Baseline CT for patient 2 (bottom) demonstrated extensive bilateral ground-glass opacities and interlobular septal thickening, and progression of findings including more dependent consolidation on follow-up.

February 2024: Volume 76, Issue 2

Cover image: The image on the cover (from Good et al, page 156) shows Jaccoud arthropathy of the left hand with prominent but reducible boutonniere deformities of the third through fifth digits (A). Radiographs of the hands showed periarticular osteopenia, flexion deformities, and subluxations of both thumbs, but no erosions (B).

January 2024: Volume 76, Issue 1

Cover image: The image on the cover (from Feldman and Mazer, page 59), Change in health status and level of participation in activities from pre-COVID19 to interview according to level of change (small, moderate, severe) for arthritis cases only.